The Pert Chart and the Time Schedule for the development of the overall system are as follows:
| 3 months
| First Version of the software architecture, coding scheme and interfacing modalities will be designed. |
| 6 months
| Sample Annotated Data (10%), Annotation Schema, Tool Development, Software architecture design (including format of post-processing resources), Coding scheme and interfacing modality finalized. |
| 9 months
| Demonstration of
first version of annotation tool. skew correction, noise cleaning and enhancement tools. first version of text separation tool.
| 12 months
| Alpha version of Pre-processing and Segmentation library released; first level integration; preliminary demonstration of complete system for some scripts.
| 15 months
| 18 months
| 100% annotated data, performance analysis of recognition engine, multi-feature multi-classifier fusion, Beta version of segmentation and layout analysis software (96% accuracy), Alpha-version of the complete system released for testing (target accuracy 90% and above character levels). User interface and presentation engine development initiated involving industrial partners. Re-factoring and re-engineering of the code, if required, with the help of industrial partner.
| 21 months
| 24 months
| Performance enhancement to meet target; Beta ?version of the complete system released with desired performance target.